app mobile sprints rating

  • updated
  • Excluded

Currently in learningCloud we have a 1-5 rating for sprints. It would be interesting to have a rating system in the line of social networks: I like / I love / I don't like it or similar (such as instagram, facebook etc.)

Ntx Support
  • Started
Ntx Support
  • Excluded

Hola PIlar,

Tenemos contestación desde nuestro equipo de desarrollo.

Nos comentan que, aunque es interesante, de momento no tenemos contemplado ampliar los tipos de valoración. De momento seguirá solo con la valoración en estrellas.


Jacobo Gómez Customer Support Agent


Hello Pilar,

We've got an answer from our development team.

They told us that, even this seems interesting, we haven't contemplated that change yet.

Kind regards,

Jacobo Gómez Customer Support Agent

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